Simultaan bij VAS

Afgelopen zondag (15 februari) vond er bij schaakclub VAS een simultaan plaats tegen 2 internationaal gerenommeerde spelers. Te weten: Grootmeester Erwin L’Ami en Internationaal Meester Robert Ris. Zo’n 35 spelers van VAS gaven aan de oproer gehoor om mee te doen met de simultaan.

De simultaan werd gehouden, omdat VAS enkele jaren geleden bij de KNSB een internschaak-prijs heeft gewonnen. Het werd eens tijd om die prijs te incasseren. Hieronder volgt het verslag, een video-impressie en de resultaten.
Om 11u ging de simultaan los. Dat betekende dat er door een klein clubje fanatiekelingen om 10u werd afgesproken bij het Cygnus Gymnasium om de zaal in orde te maken, stukken op te zetten en de bar voor te bereiden. De barman was niemand minder dan Mustapha El Jarmouni, die natuurlijk een rijk verleden heeft als barman bij VAS. Vele leden vonden het leuk om hem weer eens te zien, op de voor hem zo vertrouwde positie achter de bar.
Er werd gespeeld in 2 groepen, GM Erwin L ‘Ami nam 17 borden onder zijn hoede, IM Robert Ris de rest. Bij Robert waren de meeste jeugdspelers te vinden. Bij Erwin ook wel een paar en die scoorden verbazingwekkend goed!
GM Erwin L ‘ami: klik hier
IM Robert Ris: klik hier

Below you’ll find what I believe was the final position in L’Ami v Van Dam where Niels plays Rxb6 and L’Ami resigns.


Niels Van Dam beats L’Ami

Draws against L’Ami achieved by Job Emans (who will be very happy to have held the endgame having played Jorden Van Foreest in a simul and sadly lost in a drawn endgame), Rob Van Dongen (who seems to have a habit recently of drawing won positions, was a pawn up with a better ending but L’Ami sacrificed another two pawns in order to get a rook perpetual to escape with a draw), Jan Roebers and Matteo Van Cleef and (I think but not sure?) Ed Baarslag

Against Robert Ris, Tigran Spaan beat him

Draws against Robert were achieved by Daniel Van Cleef, Elco Hakvoort, Eline drew in her second game against him and Suvan drew in his third game against him. Elco Hakvoort played a good game, but the finish wasn’t as cleanly as he hoped. He went for a perpetual, in a position the engine later decided was +5 for Elco. Had he played f5, that would have left White (Robert) with a hopeless position; An attack that was going nowhere, a knight misplaced on the egde of the bord and Elco’s a-pawn would have marched unchecked to the other side of the board.

An honorable mention must also be given to the fast-improving Ivo Kroon who was awarded a prize by Robert for playing a very good game. Ivo managed to find his way into a tricky rook and pawn ending which Robert said could have been held for a draw but earlier in the game was putting a lot of attacking pressure against Ris and so was well worthy of his prize!


The position above is Ivo’s game with black (Ivo) to move, Robert’s suggestion was that Ivo should just play passively and not do much to change the position and it’s hard for white to make progress, Robert suggesting g6 to start with. Ivo played Rxe4 which is also fine and after dxe4 the recommended follow up of g5 and Rd8 makes it hard for white to progress but still would you want this position for black against an International Master? But again very well done Ivo!

It should also be mentioned of course that both Robert and Erwin were very good sports and that Erwin did especially well considering that he played against a few more players than Robert but that the level of the players was considerably high.

Also special mentions for Job Emans, Matteo Van Cleef, Khoi Pham, Boris Nienkamper, Jonah Nienkamper and Aadi Patwardhan who all chose to play L’Ami rather than Ris, good to see that the talented players choose to stretch themselves as much as possible and go for the biggest challenge! This bodes well for their chess futures!

tekst: Deborah Ng