Online Schaken: Tip van de Week #3

Welkom bij de tip van de week. In deze rubriek krijgt u elke week een tip over online schaken. Van videos, tot artikelen, tot online boeken, het kan allemaal!

De Tip

De tip van deze week is site van schaker/schrijver/amateurwielrenner Tim Krabbé. Deze homo universalis heeft een pagina waarop hij een verzameling aan schaakcuriosa aanbiedt. Van schitterende schaakstudies tot kleine columns, het aanbod is zeer divers en inspirerend. Dus zit je in een (schaak) dipje. Vraag je je af ” is dit het nou!?” na het weggeven van een stuk na het volgen van 20 zetten theorie in het Spaans. Haast je dan als de wiedeweerga naar deze site en laaf je aan de schoonheid van ons spel!

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Short story by Tim Krabbé, translated by Willem M. Tissot

On the tram, Jacobson got a new idea for his Bottomless Pit. He would have preferred to get off at the nearest stop and take another tram back home, to see on the board what his idea was worth. But that was out of the question: he couldn’t keep thirty children waiting for nothing.

  For the rest of the ride, and during his walk to the school, Jacobson tried to visualize the effects of his idea. He couldn’t do it blind; the Bottomless Pit was too complicated. Perhaps, at the school, before the games started, he could find a moment to set up the position. If some of the players were watching, he would explain what he was trying to do. “It’s not correct yet,” he would say, “but this is the idea. Mate in nineteen. The mate itself is easy, but Black is going to delay it. He can interpose a pawn, and this one too and one more; a knight, and this knight too. Now a rook, and another one, the queen, and even the bishop: nine sacrifices, all on the same square. And now, finally, White can mate, you see? Beautiful, isn’t it? And on the tram, on my way over here…” No, he would rather say: “On my walk over here.” On the tram, he could have been looking at a pocket chess set. What he really had to get across was that such an idea could grab hold of you just as well when there was no chess board around…

lees verder op de site van Tim Krabbé! Veel plezier!

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